Judiciary Committee to Take Up Package of Bills to Combat Human Trafficking
WHAT: Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, will hold a voting meeting of the committee to consider a package of bills aimed at combatting the crime of human trafficking. Bills in the package include:

House Bill 161 (Rep. Barry Jozwiak, R-Berks) - Would reclassify the offense of trafficking infants as a first-degree felony.
House Bill 2174 (Rep. Natalie Mihalek, R-Allegheny/Washington) - Would prohibit defendants from introducing evidence of a human trafficking victim’s past sexual victimization and allegations of past sexual victimization in any prosecution related to human trafficking.
House Bill 2175 (Rep. Meghan Schroeder, R-Bucks) - Would expand the list of offenses where an expert may testify about the dynamics of sexual violence and victim responses to sexual violence.
House Bill 2176 (Rep. Marci Mustello, R-Butler) - Would add certain prohibited activities to existing law that, if committed, constitute the crime of unlawful contact with a minor.
House Bill 2177 (Rep. Valerie Gaydos, R-Allegheny) - Would expand the list of sexual offenses that require offenders to attend and participate in a Department of Corrections program of counseling and therapy designed for incarcerated sex offenders.
House Bill 2178 (Rep. David Rowe, R-Snyder/Union) – Would amend Pennsylvania’s child custody statute to require a court to consider whether a party or member of that party’s household has been convicted of human trafficking prior to awarding child custody to that party.
Senate Bill 60 (Sen. Kristin Philips-Hill, R-York) – Would provide increased penalties and asset forfeiture regarding human trafficking and patronizing a victim of sexual servitude.
House Resolution 618 (Rep. Wendi Thomas, R-Bucks) Would recognize the month of January 2020 as “National Human Trafficking Awareness Month.”

WHO: Kauffman and members of the committee.

WHEN: Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 10 a.m.

WHERE: Room 60EW, Capitol Building, Harrisburg.


Media contact: Tricia Lehman, 717.772.9840, tlehman@pahousegop.com