Aug. 14, 2019

Judiciary chairman seeks answers to recent spate of murders by PA parolees
HARRISBURG – Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has sent a letter to Pennsylvania Inspector General Bruce Beemer asking him to conduct a thorough investigation of the Department of Corrections (DOC) and Board of Probation and Parole following several recent murders by state parolees.

“Prisoners placed on parole have been deemed fit to go back into the public sector; however, some of these parolees have committed murder upon release,” said Kauffman. “I am asking the inspector general to investigate the evaluation process these individuals undergo before given parole, as well as the mandates once on parole. Above all else, we need to ensure the public is safe from harmful individuals.”

Kauffman noted his committee is in the process of considering possible reforms to the criminal justice system, and information resulting from an investigation of the DOC and Board of Probation and Parole would enable the Legislature to better formulate meaningful improvements and safeguards.

The letter to Beemer is here.

Representative Rob Kauffman
89th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tricia Lehman